December 15, 2015

Start 2016 on the Right Foot

Start 2016 on the Right Foot - Tiux Socks

2015 is winding down and it’s time to take a moment to reflect on your goals from last January. What are your proudest accomplishments? What are some goals you want to carry forward to 2016?

Get ready to embrace new possibilities and amazing opportunities as we step into the new year. Here are some tips to help you thrive in 2016 and make it a year full of success!

Write Down Your Goals

The simple act of writing down your goals will force you to clarify and commit to what you want to accomplish. In doing so, you will be motivated to take action and see it through.

Be SMART About It

Set effective goals by using the SMART criteria:

  • Specific – A goal should be specific enough that you know what you want to achieve, why it is a goal for you and how you will go about achieving this goal.
  • Measurable – Being able to measure your goal will help you track its progress and keep you motivated along the way.
  • Achievable – A goal should be challenging. However, if you set expectations too high, you may get frustrated and disappoint yourself.
  • Relevant – Each goal should matter to you so that you are focused and motivated.
  • Time-based – Set a date of when you plan to achieve each goal.

Review Them Frequently

Reviewing your goals weekly or monthly will allow you to track your progress and keep you motivated. It also provides an opportunity to identify the next steps to achieving your goal.

Setting goals will help you decide what you want to achieve in life. Keep in mind that success doesn’t happen overnight. The key is to show consistent progress towards your goals, which in turn will lead to a richer and fuller life.
